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Attention Sea Kayakers:

Video Uncovers The Three Inuit Wisdom For Effortless Kayaking... And Find Out Why Conventional Techniques Fall Short For The Average Paddler.


Dancing With The Sea Club

Transform you experience of sea kayaking

The videos have given me tools to continually improve my skills. It’s refreshing to learn from a master paddler.

Carl Vopal

Thiensville, Wisconsin


IS ...

  • "Journey To Confidence" Transformational Course

  • At the core of the club is the transformational course that took Lesley from being in too much pain to paddle- to having the freedom to paddle a loaded kayak on multiday expeditions.

    You’re literally watching over my shoulder as I take a beginner through every step of the transformation which is based on 3-D kayaking” method. It's on short video lessons. Each lesson focusing on one key skill.

  • 3-D Fusion Virtual Mentorship

  • This is where you and I work together virtually using video feedback, so you uncover the nuances holding you back from your optimum speed and stability.

    Your technique improves in the shortest amount of time because I will know in an instant what you are doing that is keeping you stuck. And show you what little tweak to make to get a breakthrough in your skills.

  • Body Wisdom

  • We have our very own body movement expert. I work with Carie to come up with lessons that help you move better in the specific ways needed to more easily apply the 3-D kayaking method.

    It will give you more flexibility, and the extra range of motion will make you faster, get less fatigue, less tension and maybe even less pain.

    Instead of slowing down as you age, you may find that you become an inspiration…

  • Supportive Community

  • A cozy place to be with like minded people who are also on the same journey. If you ever felt unwanted because you’re the only one using the Greenland paddle, this community will be a welcome oasis.

Here’s what else you get

Bonus #1

Greenland Paddle Forward Stroke

($97.00 Value)

Unlock your most powerful muscles-your legs, hips, back, abs...and turn the strength you already have into the explosive power.

Why the canted blade technique is crucial for boosting your speed while keeping your paddling smooth and quiet and flutter free.

The unique way to hold your paddle to avoid the wrist pain that can ruin an otherwise perfect trip.

Avoid the cramping legs, sore lower back, and the pain in the joints by learning to move your whole body to paddle effortlessly.

And a lot more...

Bonus #2

Sea Kayak Secret Mastery

($97.00 Value)

There are skills that will give you the most competence as quickly as possible.️

Ten key Lessons To Take Your Skills To The Next Level

Bonus #3

Rapid Brace Formula

($97.00 Value)

Learn how to apply the low brace and high brace with the Greenland Paddle. It's likely different from what  you learned... and a lot easier.

Why the low brace will be your best friend in rough water. And you will learn how to avoid the hard on the shoulder bracing that can force the paddle deep down. And make capsizing inevitable.

A high brace that is always ready if needed for backup. If you think your low brace may not always be quick enough you are right. This easy to learn technique will turn a failed low brace into a relaxed recovery.

Bonus #4

4 Week Stability Challenge

($97.00 Value)

Two easy steps to feel secure in wind and waves. Or edging for a tight turn. 

When you apply what you’re about to learn, what emerges is you feeling stable in waves... 

Or edging for a tight turn. Even if you’re in steep waves.

It’s for you if you have experience using the Greenland paddle, but you’re not yet completely relaxed in rough water...

Or crossing eddylines… or turning your kayak in the waves. 

I know it sounds simple but after 15 years of teaching this I can tell you that the only way you can avoid feeling comfortable in the waves is if you are lacking in one of these 2 areas.

Bonus #5

Core Skills Of Sea Kayaking

($97.00 Value)

Learn the fundamental way to move your body to make it easier to maneuver, brace, roll.

This will make anything you do with your kayak more effective and feel easier and more natural on the body.

Learn to get a feel for your blade angle so that you are getting quick support for a brace or a roll, and for making turns more effective. Often when the paddle isn't giving enough support the cause is the paddle angle.

Bonus #6

Advanced Kayak Turning Techniques

($97.00 Value)

Learn how to apply the “3-D Kayaking” method to the various turning strokes so that they all work well with the Greenland paddle.

You will learn how and when to use the bow draw, x bow draw, edging, leaning, and many more ways to turn your kayak quickly and easily.

Make sure to send me a video of yourself doing the turns so I can give you the feedback you need to master the skill quickly.

So now when you’re out paddling, maybe even with your loaded kayak, you can have fun maneuvering effortlessly as you follow the rugged shoreline.

You can quickly turn to avoid a rock… Or move quickly with precision to get close to someone to do a rescue or set up the tow line. 

And you notice it's a lot like dancing in a way. 

The more moves you know the more fun it gets. You feel more graceful. More like you belong there on the sea.

There is a whole section on turning in strong wind...

So no more fighting with the wind to turn your kayak…

…and feeling shoulder pain the next day. Now you know exactly what to do to have the wind help you turn. When you get this it’s like having power steering.

Next time you’re paddling on a windy day you’ll be amazed at how easy it is. And you will wonder why everyone isn’t doing this. 

You’ll notice most paddlers are struggling to control their kayak. 

They exhaust themselves fighting with the wind because they don’t know what you know.

You feel good about how much you improved your skills.

Bonus #7

Master The Layback Roll

($97.00 Value)

Here you get a step by step process to the easiest way to roll your kayak. 

I think you’ll be amazed to realize that the same “3-D Kayaking” method of moving is also what makes rolling so easy.

Send me a quick video of yourself and we’ll have your roll dialed in very fast.

Now you have a roll that doesn’t require any strength, or special talent. And the nice thing about this roll is that because it doesn’t involve pushing the paddle down, there is no risk of shoulder injury.

It’s a roll that you can count on in rough water, not just in the pool. 

This course includes a confidence building segment.. So that you automatically go into Zen mode when you capsize, so you don’t even think about pulling your skirt to get out of the kayak.

If you like playing in the waves, and surf in conditions where you could capsize, you will feel confident that you can get yourself back up without having to go swimming. 

And it makes you feel safer.

You are now part of the more advanced group of paddlers, and it changes how you feel on the water.

Here you get a step by step process to the easiest way to roll your kayak. 

I think you’ll be amazed to realize that the same “3-D Kayaking” method of moving is also what makes rolling so easy.

Send me a quick video of yourself and we’ll have your roll dialed in very fast.

Now you have a roll that doesn’t require any strength, or special talent. And the nice thing about this roll is that because it doesn’t involve pushing the paddle down, there is no risk of shoulder injury.

It’s a roll that you can count on in rough water, not just in the pool. 

This course includes a confidence building segment.. So that you automatically go into Zen mode when you capsize, so you don’t even think about pulling your skirt to get out of the kayak.

If you like playing in the waves, and surf in conditions where you could capsize, you will feel confident that you can get yourself back up without having to go swimming. 

And it makes you feel safer.

You are now part of the more advanced group of paddlers, and it changes how you feel on the water.

Bonus #8

Balance Brace Formula

($97.00 Value)

First get the flexibility and range of motion that makes the balance brace easy.

The reason this course works better than any other course is because it focuses on first giving you the flexibility and range of motion that makes the balance brace easy.

you get the “3-D movement lessons to do at home.

After your body is moving with more flexibility than you thought you had, you do the step by step lessons on the water and comfortably slide into the perfect balance brace.

Now you can lay on the water, relax, stretch... and you can keep breathing. 

According to the stories, the Inuit hunters would lay into a balance brace and have a quick nap, while on a longer hunt.

It changes how you feel about capsizing. 

There is no capsizing.  

There is sitting upright in your kayak, or comfortably laying on the water. You discover for yourself that you have perfect control. 

I don’t know of any other skill that better communicates “I’m one with my kayak”.You can feel good about achieving that level of skill.

Bonus #9

Rough Water Domination

($97.00 Value)

In this course you will learn the forward roll, and the storm roll.

You start with exercises to do at home, to develop strength and muscle memory. You will see right away that you are still using the same “3-D Kayaking” movements.

After you have the muscle memory, you get a step by step process to do the rolls in the water. 

As you practice you will notice that…

Your body already knows what to do. 

And with a little more practice your rolls feel effortless.

Your friends will be amazed to see you roll up from pretty much any position you find yourself in. Mostly you’ll just be rolling for fun and entertainment, because at this level a capsize is very rare.

On the rare occasion when you do capsize?

You’ll be surprised at how comfortable it feels. No more getting disoriented.

No more panic.

Bonus #10

Kayak Fitting For Agility

($27.00 Value)

How to outfit your kayak so you can move with it without feeling like you could fall out. And get that connected feeling of agility for the quick brace that gives you peace of mind in the waves.

Feel more comfortable in your kayak, and reduce the cramping that can ruin a trip.

Bonus #11

Plan Your Trip (interactive journey)

($97.00 Value)

This course is to help you learn how to make the important decisions to keep yourself safe…

...While enjoying multi day trip or longer expedition. 

As you plan your trip you feel confident that you didn’t forget anything critical. 

And you realize that there’s no reason to be overwhelmed by the experience. 

Few things give you the sense of freedom… 

…That comes from kayaking with all the gear you need to be “home” wherever you are. 

You get to experience the most spectacular places on the planet, without feeling like you may be in over your head.


If you go on a trip with your friends, you’re involved in making the important decisions.

You are someone who is contributing to the safety of the whole group. And you feel like a contribution.


Bonus #12

Current Mastery

($97.00 Value)

Avoid getting pushed out of control when crossing currents.

And learn how to find exactly where to paddle so that the currents are helping you get to where you want to go with more ease and finesse.

So paddling in currents doesn’t feel like work.

Your friends wonder how you manage to move so far ahead of everyone, when it looks to them like you’re not even doing anything.

You feel like you are moving to the flow of the water. 

Bonus #13

Paddling Fitness

($97.00 Value)

How to make kayaking a whole body workout.

Imagine being healthy and fit, without having to go to the gym.

You”ll notice how the “3-D Kayaking” method makes your lower back feel strong and healthy.

You will develop more stamina so you can keep paddling longer. 

As you paddle day after day on your first big adventure you feel like an unstoppable machine. And you’re only getting stronger.

You feel good about it because you can see that you will be able to keep paddling and exploring for many more years.


Bonus #14

Getting In And Out

($27.00 Value)

Here you learn how to safely get in and out of your kayak in various conditions and shorelines.

So you don’t have to worry about doing the humiliating capsize after a day’s paddle. 

Even if it’s a rocky shoreline, or on a beach with breaking waves trying to tip you over.

You look and feel like a pro. 

Bonus #15

Safe Winter Paddling

($97.00 Value)

This course is about how to be ready for paddling in colder and rougher winter conditions.

What to wear and how to layer in a way that makes temperature adjustments easy to make while you paddle…

So that you don’t ever feel cold and miserable. 

And you don’t risk getting hypothermic.

Imagine how much more paddling opportunities you have when you are not limited by weather.

If you like to avoid crowds, and enjoy a more “wild” experience, winter paddling is for you.

Bonus #16

Carve Your Own Greenland Paddle

($37.00 Value)

Look over my shoulders as I go to the beach, find a log, and turn it into a Greenland paddle. 

You get step by step instructions designed for people with no woodworking skills. You size the paddle to fit you. 

You get a list of tools you can use.

Now you have a paddle you can be proud of. Something that feels like it’s made for you. 

Like a true extension to your body. 

Once you make one you may find the process so enjoyable that you end up making a few more.

You are following the way of the ancient Inuit hunter, and you feel a deeper connection with the origin of the kayak.

Summary Of Courses Included In The Club

  • Journney To Confidence  ($197)

  • 3-D Fusion Virtual Mentorship ($599)

  • Body Wisdom ($97)

  • Greenland Paddle Forward Stroke ($97)

  • Sea Kayak Secret Mastery ($97)

  • Rapid Brace Formula ($97)

  • Course Module Title

  • 4 Week Stability Challenge ($97)

  • Core Skills Of Sea Kayaking ($97)

  • Advanced Kayak Turning Techniques ($97)

  • Master The Layback Roll ($97)

  • Balance Brace Formula ($97)

  • Rough Water Domination ($97)

  • Kayak Fitting For Agility ($27)

  • Plan Your Trip ($97)

  • Current Mastery ($97)

  • Paddling Fitness ($97)

  • Getting In And Out ($27)

  • Safe Winter Paddling ($97)

  • Carve Your Greenland Paddle ($37)

Total Value $2,245


Paulo Ouellet

The day I discovered the Greenland paddle and the traditional techniques was a life changer for me. I could not believe that most people are not using this timeless approach. I was rolling forward and back within a few months. And soon I could do what most paddlers can’t. After 20 years of using the Greenland paddle exclusively, and sharing the techniques for others for 16 years, I have learned a lot about how to teach these skills to help people get quick results.

What customers are saying

The most useful thing that I have taken from these videos is that torso rotation really starts at the feet and involves the butt & hips more so then twisting at the waist or shoulders. My confidence in conditions and ability to maneuver my kayak is vastly improved.

- Ryc Williamson Portland, Washington

Instead of controlling the boat your approach is more spiritual. It's different but allowed me more success and enjoyment. Your segment on fitting the kayak changed my not being able to balance brace to success the first time after fitting the kayak. Also made a dramatic difference in success on the forward finishing roll.

- Bill Faulkenberry Chesapeake, Virginia

It was difficult for me to let go of my Euro paddle techniques and my performance suffered from this. Paulo has opened another world for me with his patient teaching. I like the way the videos blend the use of rolling, bracing and sculling to form a solid set of skills that keep me from panic when I find myself in an unfamiliar, dynamic situation.

- Butch Chase Juneau, Alaska

The Perfect Learning Environment

In a community of passionate kayakers

Why Does This Work So Well?

  • When you take a live kayak lesson, you get instant feedback. But then we forget some subtle distinction. Until the next lesson.

  • With videos you have a reference library to go back to and review anytime you like.

    Get feedback anytime you need it.

    You can develop the flexibility and muscle memory you need on your own time... Before you practice on the water.

    Imagine doing the course at your own pace. Being able to go back and review it anytime you like

30 Days Money Back Guarantee

If this product is not everything that I say it is and you are not completely satisfied with it, then I will refund every penny of your money with no questions asked within 30 days.

Become A Club Member Today

 (Only $199/year USD) 

  • Quick Start Checklist For Stability And Speed.

    With Complete Video Course where I take a beginner from rookie to expert.

  • 3-D Fusion Virtual Mentorship. Upload a video of yourself and I give you the feedback you need to master the technique. And keep doing it as many times as it takes.

  • Body Wisdom Movement lessons to help you develop the flexibility and range to fully embody the kayak. And paddle with more ease and efficiency.

  • Supportive Community Meet other likeminded people who are learning the same techniques. 

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    What level of skills is required?

    All courses progress paddlers from a beginner level through to advanced level-so all levels are good!

    Can I view these courses on my cell phone?

    Yes there is an app which works very well to access the community and the courses. Just download the Mighty Network app.

    How do I get feedback on my technique?

    The goal is to get you the skills. 

    Go to course called "Virtual Mentorship" and post a video or question, it's that simple.